Watch Tesla FSD Beta Tested in Canada in Heavy Snowfall [VIDEO]

Photo: ColdEnvy

Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) beta recently broadened its reach, and one tester has debuted a new video showing the system being used in wintry conditions.

YouTube channel ColdEnvy shared a new video testing Tesla’s FSD beta in heavy snowfall on Monday, as seen driving around on Canadian roads in Alberta.

The host is running FSD beta software version 10.69.25, along with the recent holiday software update that rolled out.

The environment is completely snowy, with snow actively falling in the video and the roads nearly covered in snow and ice patches.

The host notes multiple times that he thinks the conditions are a bit too harsh for the FSD beta, as the system had trouble staying engaged on many of the roads in the video.

Throughout the video, the FSD system has a few issues relating to the snow, and it’s clear that the system has a fair amount of improvement needed before it’s fully functional in these conditions.

Even still, the FSD beta performs a handful of functions decently well, though it sometimes had trouble anticipating the extra slippery roads during turns, and detecting where lanes were located.

You can watch ColdEnvy’s full drive with FSD beta in heavy snowfall below:

YouTube video