Watch Elon Musk at ONS 2022: Full Interview [VIDEO]

elon musk ons norway

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk joined the 2022 ONS conference in Norway this week, to discuss a variety of topics.

Musk said he was focused on getting Full Self-Driving for Tesla vehicles in a ‘wide release’ by the end of the year, at least in the U.S.

The Tesla CEO also mentioned to the media before the event oil and gas is still necessary for civilization to keep running.

When it came to Tesla, Musk said he believes more than 50% of cars on the road in 2030 would be electric. He thanked Norway at the beginning for its progress in supporting electric vehicles.

Prior to Musk’s appearance at ONS 2022, SpaceX officially launched Starlink internet in the country.

You can check out the full Elon Musk interview at ONS 2022 below:

YouTube video