2022.12.3.10 Tesla Update Brings FSD Beta 10.12 for Employees

Tesla has started rolling out its 2022.12.3.10 software update, which brings Full Self-Driving 10.12 for employees, according to @WholeMarsBlog.

A since deleted tweet by FSD beta tester @BMmwalimu from earlier today showed the 2022.12.3.10 update being installed.

At this time, we have yet to see FSD beta 10.12 release notes, but expect them to be shared online shortly.

On the weekend, Elon Musk said the Tesla team was “working the weekend to get 10.12 in limited release” for Sunday. That never happened.

“Then we evaluate, do a point update and broaden the release,” said Musk at the time. “10.12.2 is probably where we can expand to a Safety Score of 95+”, said Musk.

Previously, Musk said FSD beta 10.12 would include “many upgrades to core code” and will take “another step towards all NN’s [neural networks] using surround video & reconciling output to a unified vector space for control code.”

We’ll update this post accordingly once we find out FSD beta 10.12 release notes.

If you received the 2022.12.3.10 software update and FSD beta 10.12, feel free to email us screenshots (tips@teslanorth.com) or send us a message on Twitter (@RealTeslaNorth), so we can share them with the community.