Drone Footage Reveals Inside Look at Giga Texas Construction [VIDEO]

Photo: Joe Tegtmeyer
Joe Tegtmeyer shared a new construction update on Tesla’s Gigafactory Texas on Wednesday, featuring a variety of compiled drone footage pieces and a detailed explanation of what’s happening on the site.
As the site nears completion, Tegtmeyer uses his drones to note a number of new additions, including the arrival of new parts for the IDRA Giga Press.
Tegtmeyer also caught several shots of the inside of the factory through the windows, including shots of the Stamping Machine, Casting, General Assembly and Battery Cell production areas.
The video also includes a three-month look back at how Gigafactory Texas has changed in that time, showing how quickly the construction process has managed to make progress, as well as a discussion surrounding the upcoming Cybertruck.
Last week, a report said that Tesla was expected to begin Model Y production at the Texas Gigafactory in 7-10 days, meaning that the facility’s launch is imminent.
On Thursday, one analyst also predicted that Tesla will hold a Cybertruck update in March, with the company expected to release two different variants of the vehicle.
You can see Tegtmeyer’s full construction update on Tesla’s Gigafactory Texas, featuring even more detail than he usually includes, ahead of the facility’s upcoming launch.