Watch Tesla’s FSD Beta Take Unprotected Left Turns, Recorded by Drone [VIDEO]

Tesla has expanded its Full Self-Driving (FSD) beta in recent weeks, and they’re planning on doing even more in the months to come.

In a video shared Monday by YouTube channel and Tesla enthusiast Chuck Cook, we get a close look at Tesla’s FSD beta 8.2 version 2021.4.11.1 as it attempts to make a series of unprotected left turns on a busy highway.

In the video, Chuck shares four different angles: a driver view, a navigation view showing the Tesla’s FSD display, a passenger window view, and an overhead drone view which shows each scene from above.

Last week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk also claimed that the FSD beta will be expanding by 10 times in May, saying that the technology was “getting mature,” adding a warning that drivers should still “be careful.” The mention was made on the backdrop of Tesla adding 2,000 new FSD users earlier this week. Tesla FSD beta version 9 is hopefully going to be complete as soon as April, according to Musk.

The autonomous driving technology from Tesla has demonstrated some seriously impressive skills on complicated drives in San Francisco, and up and down the west coast. But the system is still in its infancy, as perhaps demonstrated by Chuck’s unprotected left turns with FSD beta version 8.2.

You can watch Chuck’s full breakdown of unprotected left turns in his Tesla below, as part of his usual route to test FSD beta:

YouTube video