SpaceX Has Filed Lawsuits to Compete, Bezos Sues to Stop Competition: Musk

Photo: The B Word

Musk has aired new criticisms of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, over his space exploration company Blue Origin’s recent lawsuits against NASA, according to CNBC.

On Tuesday at CodeCon 2021 in Beverly Hills, Musk called Bezos out in response to a question, saying, “You cannot sue your way to the moon.”

After being asked his feelings on Bezos’s suit against NASA, Musk said, “I think I’ve expressed my thoughts on that front — I think he should put more of his energy into getting to orbit, [rather] than lawsuits.” Musk continued, “You cannot sue your way to the moon, no matter how good your lawyers are.”

Amazon replied to CNBC, saying, “SpaceX has a long track record of suing the U.S. government on procurement matters and protesting various governmental decisions. It is difficult to reconcile that historical record with their recent position on others filing similar actions.”

Musk shot back on Twitter:

In April, Blue Origin alleged that NASA “moved the goalposts” when assigning the lunar contract to SpaceX, before the company and Jeff Bezos decided to sue NASA over the lunar contract in August.

SpaceX also responded to a complaint to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) made by Amazon over Starlink’s second-generation satellites earlier this month, saying that Bezos’s filing of lawsuits against SpaceX was “*actually* his full-time job.”