Tesla Model 3 Performance Reviewed by Savage Geese [VIDEO]

Tesla is no newcomer to the world of automobiles like they once were. Now, they’re one of the biggest automakers on the planet, and their cars have become synonymous with both modern ideals of luxury, and the fight against climate change through transportation.

In a new video uploaded Friday by popular YouTube channel savagegeese, the host takes viewers through a detailed breakdown of the 2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance. Starting with the interior, the host calls the design minimalistic, and “almost Swedish-looking,” a major compliment to the design as Sweden is known for its simplistic design trends.

After looking at the interior, the host shifts to talking about increased battery capacity and other mechanical impressions. Shortly thereafter, the host takes the vehicle for a drive, before offering his final thoughts on the Model 3.

YouTube video

Ultimately, the host goes on to say that, while the car feels like something out of, at least, six years in the future, he criticizes the build quality and general automobile hardware, saying that all of these features feel six years in the past instead.

Whether that’s true or not, Tesla is still the only auto manufacturer with a full lineup of electric vehicles (EVs). As companies are scrambling to make the shift to zero-emission vehicles, Tesla has a major headstart, and as a result, they’re unlikely to be outpaced by any other automakers.