Tesla Owner Unwraps Red Founder Series Powerwall Gift [VIDEO]

A user on Reddit has shared their gifted, Tesla Founder Series Powerwall, and it is beautiful. User u/S1ghtunseen shared the video on Wednesday evening, and it shows him unwrapping the freshly installed Powerwall.

The Founder Series Powerwall is a long-anticipated Powerwall variant that is awarded through a referral program for purchasers of the Model S and Model X.

The gorgeous-looking dark red Powerwall is slightly smaller than the original style, and is also, allegedly, signed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk himself, although the signature is not pictured in the video.


In a response to a fellow Redditor, the original poster shared that the installation cost $2,500 USD, and that Tesla would also be crediting him another $1,000 towards the cost of installation.

Other users shared their negative experiences, particularly with the cost of having Powerwalls installed.

One user wrote, “How much did you pay out of pocket for the install? I also got one through the referral program but instead opted for a Tesla credit instead of the Powerwall due to the $5,000+ I was quoted for the install out of pocket.”

As the electric vehicle (EV) world takes hold, Powerwalls and non-Tesla variants will likely become more common, even with other companies like Lucid pursuing the energy storage route.