Tesla Performance Models Drag Race: Model S vs 3 vs X vs Y [VIDEO]
In the latest example of Tesla’s impressive performance, popular racing YouTube channel Throttle House released a Drag and Roll Race featuring four Performance Model Teslas on Friday morning – one each of the Model S, 3, X, and Y.

Hosts of the show share features of each vehicle before taking off for the race, including Models X and S being endowed with “cheetah mode” which, according to the show, lowers the front of the vehicle to increase take-off acceleration.
This particular episode includes two races: one with cheetah mode in action, and one without. While both races conclude the Model S to be the winner, the episode offers a good picture of how these features affect each different Tesla model, and how quick each of these cars really are.
The hosts of the show are also partnering with Omaze to offer $20,000 and a 2020 Tesla Model S to one lucky winner. The raffle-like contest will select one winner, and donations from the cause will go towards non-profit GivePower which offers solar farms to communities in need around the world.
While there are countless examples of the sheer speed of the world’s favorite electric vehicle, Tesla continues to impress at each turn.