Tesla MyQ Extended Free Trials End, Subscriptions Now Required

Late last month we told you how the Tesla MyQ garage integration was offering up extended free trials, beyond the initial 30 days.

After a 30-day MyQ free trial, the set up stops working and users need to reconnect their MyQ account to their Tesla. After successfully linking this again, Tesla North was able to gain another free trial.

But as of today, that MyQ extended free trial looks to have come to an end. Our MyQ garage set up stopped working and our Tesla display showed the QR code to reconnect both the MyQ and Tesla accounts.

The splash page now shows the 10-year, 5-year and 1-year subscription options, which are priced at $395, $235 and $59 in Canada and a final step to check out.

For the most part, Tesla’s MyQ integration worked 99% of the time for us.

There’s no other way to get an extended free trial MyQ as of writing, but if you’re able to, let us know in the comments. Did your MyQ extended free trial come to an end recently?