Tesla Roadster Reservation Page No Longer Mentions 2020 Production Date

Image: User “cpPenguin1289” on Reddit
As reported on a Reddit thread, Tesla has removed the 2020 expected production date from the official reservation page for the Tesla Roadster. The change comes less than a month after Tesla CEO Elon Musk confirmed on Twitter that the Roadster won’t go into production until 2022.
For reference, here’s what the Roadster’s reservation page looked like before, mentioning, “Production is expected to begin in 2020”:
Anyone who’s even remotely aware of Tesla’s rise to the forefront of sustainable transportation will know about the rich history of the Roadster. The Roadster was actually Tesla’s first consumer electric vehicle (EV) that made its way to market back in 2008, and remained in production until 2012.
Tesla is now working on version 2.0 of the car that put it on the map. The new Roadster is an all-electric sports car, touted by Tesla as the “quickest car in the world”. What’s more, it may even come with ‘James Bond’ style thrusters.
The hype behind Tesla’s premium electric sports car is close to reaching critical mass, and those who have already put down deposits on Roadsters are (understandably) disappointed with the production delay.