Sandy Munro Goes Hands-On with 2021 Tesla Model 3 [VIDEO]

Sandy Munro breaks down the features of the 2021 Tesla Model 3. Photo: Munro Live
The 2021 Tesla Model 3 has been out for a while now, and those who have seen it so far have left it some rave reviews.
On Friday, Sandy Munro uploaded a new video to his YouTube channel Munro Live, sharing with viewers a fresh look at the 2021 Tesla Model 3. In the nearly 12-minute video, Munro goes through various aspects of the new Model 3, comparing them to old features and discussing the positives and negatives of this newly-refreshed model.
The first thing that Munro addresses is the paint job, noting that it’s quite a bit more smooth than models in the past, saying “they must have fired the guy in charge of the paint department.” He also discusses the chrome delete, which he claims is an upgrade for his own personal taste.
On the negative side, Munro immediately notices that there isn’t enough of a gap between the front passenger side panel above the wheel and the front passenger door panel. He mentions Tesla’s quality control, which has traditionally been shown to miss important build factors, like the sturdiness and adherence of the roof panel, for instance.
When it came to the Model 3 interior, Munro was pleased with the build quality in both the front seat and rear.
Munro says compared to the original 2018 Model 3 build quality, this 2021 Model 3 refresh is a huge improvement, but it’s not perfect.
You can see the full Sandy Munro breakdown of the 2021 Tesla Model 3 below: