Here are Adults Sitting in the Tesla Model Y 3rd Row [PICS]
Yesterday we saw the first pictures of the Tesla Model Y 7-seat configuration shared by visitors to the company’s showroom in Newport Beach, California.
Now, we’re seeing more pictures surface of actual adults sitting in the third row of the Model Y. According to Reddit user ‘kingoftowns’, the user has shared pictures of himself and his wife sitting in the third row of the Model Y.
“Here is wife and I in the 3rd row as well as me in the second row and her in the 3rd. I’m 5’8 she’s 5’3. We were comfortable. There was enough legroom in 2nd and 3rd row with someone in all 3 rows,” said ‘kingoftowns’.
“Obviously the 3rd row is cramped but if you’re not gonna be back there for long rides it’s totally fine for us short adults. It’s gonna be plenty for kids,” said the user, who visited the Tesla store at Newport Beach.
“And yeah the one with me in the second row and my wife directly behind me in the third row had a driver seated in front of me. First and second row had plenty of leg room and my wife’s knees/legs were NOT touching the back of the second row. So she had a tiny bit of room as well,” added ‘kingoftowns’.
Another user, ‘TeslasandComicbooks’, shared images posted by someone in their local Facebook Tesla group, showing the seats are “roomier than it looks”. The woman in the photos is 5’4” tall:
The bottom line is most third rows are relatively cramped, unless you’re driving a huge SUV. For the smaller Model Y, the third row sounds like it will be fine for small children and shorter adults.