25 New Electric Vehicle Chargers in Whistler, BC, Now Available
The Canadian government has announced a new $117,755 CAD ($89,360 USD) investment to launch 25 new electric vehicle chargers to Whistler, British Columbia, has come to fruition.
The winter sport destination and former site of the 2010 Winter Olympics will now has EV chargers installed at public locations such as:
- main parking access to Whistler Village
- Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains
- Whistler Conference Centre
- municipal works yard
- Whistler library and health centre
- popular parks and nearby museums
The federal government says these EV chargers are now available for the public to use.
“We are providing greener options for Canadians to drive where they want to go. This is how we get to net zero by 2050,” said Seamus O’Regan
Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, in a statement.
Funding comes from the Natural Resources Canada’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program, with the Resort Municipality of Whistler providing a matching amount of $117,755 for the EV chargers.
People noted construction of these EV chargers begin last month:
More EV chargers coming to Whistler @TeslaOwnersBC @ChargePointnet pic.twitter.com/DvY7GvdZlm
— Colin Hay (@colin_hay) August 30, 2020
“Thank you to the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. for providing this funding to make climate action initiatives like this possible. This is an exciting opportunity to encourage zero-emission vehicle travel to and from Whistler,” said Mayor Jack Crompton, Resort Municipality of Whistler, in a statement.
Canada wants to have all new passenger vehicles sold in the country be zero-emission vehicles by 2040.