Uber App Now Integrates into Tesla Displays for Drivers

uber tesla integration

Uber has introduced a new feature that allows drivers to connect the Uber app directly to their Tesla displays, offering a more seamless and convenient experience for navigating rides.

By integrating the Uber app with Tesla’s large touchscreen, drivers can enjoy clearer navigation with trip information automatically sent to their Tesla display after accepting a request on their phone. This is leveraging the Tesla API to send navigation right to Tesla displays. Talk about about a cool integration.

The integration also includes a battery-aware matching feature, helping to reduce range anxiety by showing trip requests that are within the car’s battery range. This ensures drivers won’t be matched with trips that could potentially exceed their Tesla’s available charge. For Uber drivers with FSD, this is going to make giving rides a heck of a lot easier.

Setting up the integration is simple. After an initial setup, drivers can select Tesla Navigation as their primary navigation option within the Uber app. For battery-aware matching, drivers need to connect their Tesla through the app, grant necessary permissions, and enable vehicle information and commands.

The update aims to enhance the driving experience for Tesla owners using Uber, making navigation easier and trips more efficient with real-time updates directly on the vehicle’s screen.

How to Set Up Uber App Integration with Tesla (iOS and Android)

For iOS:

  1. Connect to Tesla:
    • Open Uber app > Menu > Account > Vehicles.
    • Tap Connect next to your Tesla.
    • Select Continue to Tesla, sign in, and grant access.
    • Allow Vehicle Information and Vehicle Commands.
  2. Set Tesla Navigation:
    • Go to Menu > Account > Navigation.
    • Choose Tesla Navigation as your primary option.

For Android:

  1. Connect to Tesla:
    • Open Uber app > Menu > Account > Vehicles.
    • Select Connect next to your Tesla.
    • Continue to Tesla, sign in, and allow access.
    • Check Vehicle Information and Vehicle Commands.
  2. Set Tesla Navigation:
    • Go to Menu > Account > Navigation.
    • Set Tesla Navigation as your main navigation.