Tesla Cybertruck Gets FSD in June with 12.5; 12.4 Internal This Weekend

When will Tesla’s Cybertruck get Full Self-Driving (FSD)? Tesla CEO Elon Musk clarified earlier this month FSD for Cybertruck was “a few months away.”

But earlier this week, Musk gave a more specific timeline for FSD on Cybertruck, saying it will happen with FSD 12.5, now coming in “late June.”

Musk was replying to @WholeMarsBlog about the insane pace of AI taking off on Tuesday.

“Btw, 12.4 goes to internal release this weekend and limited external beta next week. Roughly 5X to 10X improvement in miles per intervention [mpi] vs 12.3,” said Musk.

He then added, “12.5 will be out in late June. Will also see a major improvement in mpi and is single stack – no more implicit stack on highways.”

Asked again when Cybertruck would get FSD? Musk replied, “with 12.5”.

So far, we have yet to hear or see any internal tester share updates about the release of FSD 12.4. Stay tuned for that…