Here’s the World’s Largest Tesla Light Show: 255 Cars [VIDEO]
The 2befair Elekrische Community EVent in Hamm, Germany, recently hosted what is being touted as the world’s largest Tesla light show. The event, a collaboration between TeslaClubAustria and TFFEv, saw a final count of 255 Tesla vehicles participating in the spectacle. The light show was organized on September 23, 2023, as the closing act for the community event, drawing significant attention and praise.
The light show was the result of a joint effort involving TeslaClubAustria, TFFEv, and TeslaLightShows. “A massive shout out to all of the Tesla owners that came along to take part, lend their cars and their time to making this the best Tesla Light Show on the planet,” said the event organizers. Timo, the event organizer from, was also acknowledged for allowing the ambitious project to take place.
The event was captured through on-the-ground footage by Morschyt and included drone shots by RealRusty. The official video of the light show has been released, showcasing the scale and coordination involved in staging the event.
The Tesla light show not only served as an entertaining finale for the 2befair Elekrische Community EVent but also as a testament to the growing popularity and community engagement surrounding electric vehicles, particularly Tesla’s models.
Back in December 2022, Tesla’s holiday software update allowed for scheduled light shows, letting owners set a specific time for when a light show would take place. This is how these massive light shows can all start at the same time. The unofficial world record light show has the song ‘Can’t Stop’ by the iconic band, the Red Hot Chili Peppers.