YouTuber Creates Tesla Hybrid with Over 1,000 Miles of Range [VIDEO]
Matt Mikka, a YouTuber known for his engineering-focused channel Warped Perception, claims to have created a Tesla hybrid that can travel more than 1,000 miles without needing to charge. Mikka’s innovative solution to the inconvenience of charging electric cars involves integrating a diesel engine into a Tesla Model S.
In his latest video, Mikka unveiled his creation, which he acknowledges might be considered “sacrilegious” by electric car enthusiasts. The standard Model S, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, can travel 405 miles on a full charge, but this range significantly decreases at highway speeds.
Mikka’s goal was to create a Tesla that could travel long distances without relying on charging stations. He spent years conceptualizing, planning, and designing the hybrid system before building an initial proof of concept in 2022. He then rebuilt the system from scratch and took the car on a nearly 2,700-mile road trip for his most recent video.
For the second version of his hybrid, Mikka designed and manufactured all components except for the engine. Despite some overheating issues, the car performed as expected, with the diesel generator recharging the Tesla’s battery while driving or parked, eliminating the need for conventional charging stops.
At its peak performance, the Tesla was consuming 51 watt-hours of battery power to travel one mile, giving it a theoretical range of more than 1,600 miles, Mikka said in the video. Overall, the Tesla hybrid achieved around 35 miles to the gallon, according to his calculations.
Despite the success, Mikka noted that the loud engine was a downside, speaking to Business Insider. “With that constant droning in the background the entire time, you either forget about it or want to open the door on the freeway and jump out… But it got me to where I needed to go,”
The total distance driven in the trip in this hybrid diesel Tesla? 2,684 miles (4,319 km) with 77 total gallons of diesel used, which cost $346.50 USD (averaging $4.50/gallon at the time of purchase).
Mikka said he is already close to completing the third version of his hybrid and plans to take it on another road trip.
Check out his full video below: