2023 Tesla Model Y with New ‘Comfort’ Suspension vs 2020 Model Y Compared [VIDEO]
A new video from YouTube channel GJeebs shared earlier this month shows some testing with the 2023 Model Y with the latter’s suspension improvements.
The feature was introduced in recent weeks after CEO Elon Musk said that improved suspension was set to become available in non-Performance Model Y units.
GJeebs compares a 2020 Model Y with the 2023 Model Y, looking at various features before hitting the road to try out the comfort suspension feature.
He also questions whether the comfort suspension driving will mirror the smooth feelings of driving luxury vehicles such as the BMW X3 or the Mercedes GLC (which they ride better he says). The vehicle is driven on a combination of road types on I-10, including a stretch of land that’s under construction and a freshly paved set of roads and even train tracks. The comfort suspension and noise levels seem fairly improved by GJeebs, who also avoided listening to music or any other audio during the test drive.
GJeebs also notes that Tesla was only able to make the suspension so soft, so as not to affect the SUV’s handling.
We also see a comparison of the rear cameras and it looks like the 2023 trunk camera appears to show more vivid colours.
You can watch the full 4K video from GJeebs testing the Model Y’s comfort suspension below: