Here’s a list of all the new locations Tesla added to its global network of Superchargers this past week, courtesy of data from and the TMC Forums:
The announcement of permits for the construction of Tesla’s Gigafactory in Santa Catarina, along with the imminent start of infrastructure works, is set to generate a record number of jobs in 2024 in the region. Jorge A. Moreno, a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), predicts the creation of approximately 140,000 jobs […]
The Supercharger updates are finally back. It’s been almost a month since my last post on here, and almost two since ending The Weekly Supercharger. Well, I guess the good news is that I am bringing back the updates, albeit in a different and perhaps less frequent format. The new format is going […]
Tesla has announced that the design and engineering details of the original Tesla Roadster are now fully open source. The announcement, made by CEO Elon Musk on Wednesday, signifies a major shift in Tesla’s approach to its proprietary technology. Musk revealed that all of the design and engineering information related to the first Tesla Roadster […]