SpaceX Starlink Approved by Nigeria and Mozambique

After announcing SpaceX Starlink was approved by The Phillippines on Friday, CEO Elon Musk just announced moments ago the satellite internet service was also approved by Nigeria and Mozambique in Africa. Musk had earlier hinted Starlink was coming to Africa soon.

The announcement marks the first time Starlink has been approved in Africa, with two countries now approved. It also marks the milestone of Starlink being licensed on all seven continents.

Starlink’s low Earth orbit satellite internet offers rural and remote locations high speed internet, through an easy plug-and-play setup. With high speed internet, that opens up numerous education and business opportunities that previously were not possible.

SpaceX requires a one-time Starlink hardware purchase, then a monthly service fee for the internet service, which currently has over 400,000 consumer and business subscribers.