Elon Musk to Hold Live Q&A on Earth Day to Discuss $100M XPRIZE Carbon Removal Contest
Earlier this year, Elon Musk announced he would be putting up $100 million in prize money to kickstart a competition for carbon removal technology. In February, it was announced non-profit XPRIZE would host the competition, which will see 50% of the prize money go to the first place winner.
Now, XPRIZE has announced Elon Musk will be holding a live 90-minute Question and Answer (Q&A) period on Thursday, April 22, at 12pm PT/3pm ET, from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Musk will be joined alongside XPRIZE founder and chairman, Peter Diamandis, to discuss the largest incentive prize in history, with the Q&A to be live-streamed.
Both men will go over the XPRIZE Carbon Removal guidelines and officially launch team registration.
The event is part of Carbon Week Live for XPRIZE and this Q&A will be the second special event. According to XPRIZE, the Q&A start time may vary depending on the Dragon/International Space Station mission, set to lift off on Thursday, April 22 at 3:11am PDT/6:11am EDT.
Those interested can click here to submit a question for Musk to answer during the Q&A. “The best submissions will have the chance to get their questions answered,” said XPRIZE in an email.