Kia to Launch 7 New Electric Vehicles by 2027
In a press release Thursday, Kia announced the renewal of its brand purpose and strategy, also dropping the word ‘Motors’ from its corporate name to now simply be called ‘Kia.’
With the new change, it also announced a new slogan, “Movement that inspires,” and new goals to completely prioritize its Plan S – a long-term strategy to support sustainability and environmental goals in transportation.
Kia also hopes to convey its move into other sustainable mobility solutions through its dropping the word ‘Motors.’ Kia President and CEO Ho Sung Song thinks mobility itself is a human right, and supporting that vision for consumers is a worthwhile goal.
KIA’s all have the same basic “nose” shape and once you notice it you’ll never unsee it.
Like… pic.twitter.com/kbNwv8f0p8— Pkmn Trainer Bass Drum♠️ (@AceBassDrum) January 15, 2021
In the release, Song wrote, “At Kia, we believe that transportation, mobility, and movement represent a human right. Our vision is to create sustainable mobility solutions for consumers, communities, and societies globally. Today we start putting this vision into action with the launch of our new brand purpose and strategy for the future.”
Kia also says it plans to release 7 new battery electric vehicles by 2027, including passenger vehicles, SUVs and MPVs.
Along with the name and direction changes, Kia shared it will be producing new Purpose-Built Vehicles (PBVs) for corporate customers. These will include skateboard-like platforms with modular bodies, custom-designed to meet the needs of its buyers.
Recently, Kia was rumoured to be part of an electric car production deal with its parent company Hyundai and Apple, for the latter’s autonomous car plans.
In any case, Kia is right to make the switch to sustainable goals right now. With the electric vehicle craze popping up around the world right now, any later would have simply been a mistake.