Tesla Supercharger Display Pin Details: What Do They Mean?

With Tesla’s rollout of its 2020 holiday software update, the company also added Supercharger display improvements.

Tesla’s release notes for 2020.48.26 detail, “Supercharger pins on your touchscreen will now display the number of available stalls at charging sites. Quickly search for nearby amenities by tapping an amenity icon on the Supercharger popup display.”

But according to Tesla hacker @greentheonly, there are also more Supercharger pin statuses that didn’t make the release notes.

“Supercharger display improvements that did not make it to the release notes. now we get to see also which ones are busy so you’d need to wait in line to charge, inoperational and such,” explained @greentheonly.

As seen by the image below, there’s a new icon for when Superchargers are busy and you “may need to wait before charging”.

Supercharger pin details

Again, for Tesla owners, you now no longer need to tap on the map to find out how many Supercharger stalls are available—it now just shows in the pins.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said the company did not have time to finish the full holiday update, and noted there’s still more to come.