Elon Musk to Interview ‘Ace’ Giga Berlin Engineers in Hiring Spree

Tesla CEO and billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk is well-known for tweeting thoughts, feelings, and important updates out into the internet. But a recent tweet, calling for job applications, feels like it might be a new one.

Early Thursday morning, Musk tweeted that Tesla would be conducting on-site, in-person interviews for “ace engineers,” telling interested candidates they could send a resume to 25Guns@Tesla.com.

Many Twitter users responded to the tweet, saying that they had either sent in their applications, or asking other related and non-related questions.

The Giga Berlin construction site is currently underway, though it’s set for completion in summer of 2021. At that point, it will be Tesla’s only European factory site, from which it will deliver to customers throughout most of Europe.

Tesla’s hired engineers for Giga Berlin will likely be a small team dedicated to development of its electric vehicles (EVs). Some on Twitter theorized that the “25 guns” signified a team of 25, specifically, though details as to that are not clear. The company also recently lost its overseeing manager on the Berlin construction site, though it doesn’t seem to have affected any of the company’s plans with the site.

In any case, Giga Berlin will be in full swing before long, and the results are sure to be exciting.