Tesla Model Y Owner Asked to Participate in Glass Roof ‘Quality Study’

After reports earlier this month of a family’s Tesla Model Y glass roof falling off while driving on the highway, there is another Model Y owner who has reported a similar story.

According to Business Insider, Tesla Model Y owner Joe Fraga was contacted by Tesla October 7th, the day after the original family’s glass roof fell off, and was told by the electric vehicle (EV) company that they had found “safety concerns” related to the owner’s roof glass.

In an email shared with Business Insider, a Tesla regional service manager wrote, “Tesla has selected your car to participate in an engineering quality study.” The employee continued, “We want to make sure you do not experience any issue with the roof glass and want to inspect and validate proper adhesion.”


Upon bringing the car to the Tesla dealership for the inspection, Fraga was told that the roof needed to be redone, and could not be taken until it was complete.

Why the safety issue was potentially veiled as an “engineering quality study” is unknown, but at least Tesla is trying to avoid any future incidents with the roof glass.

The original email from Tesla, courtesy of Business Insider, dated October 7th:

Good morning,

Tesla has selected your car to participate in an engineering quality study for inspection of Model Y roof glass; as part of Tesla’s commitment to reliability, we want to make sure you do not experience any issue with the roof glass and want to inspect and validate proper adhesion.  This inspection should add no longer than 15 minutes to your visit and we want to perform it at no cost to you. Utilizing your Tesla mobile app, you will be able to schedule an appointment at your local service center at the date/time desired. Thank you for helping Tesla strive towards its ongoing commitment to quality.