Tesla Cybertruck Glass Torture Test vs 5lb Steel Ball [VIDEO]
The durability of Tesla’s Cybertruck glass was rigorously tested through a series of escalating impacts by The Kilowatts.
The test started with no damage from lightweight objects such as ping pong and golf balls. Progression to a baseball, akin to the one used at Tesla’s delivery event, similarly failed to fracture the glass.
Notably, a cue ball inflicted a minor mark on the metal yet left the glass unscathed. The experiment intensified with steel balls of 1-inch, 2-inch, and 3-inch diameters, each leaving marks but failing to break the glass.
The turning point occurred with a 3-inch steel ball, approximately 5 pounds in weight. Multiple throws by the host and a triathlete colleague ultimately fractured the glass. However, the glass did not shatter entirely, an attribute of its laminated design that prevented interior penetration of shards.
All throwing attempts are also recorded in slo-motion, showing the flex the glass can take.
The video culminated in a visit to Tesla Service for glass repair and a demonstration of a glass-breaking tool, which proved ineffective against the unbroken glass. The Kilowatts had confirmed a window was in stock and Tesla Service repaired it the same day. Tesla let Ryan keep the shattered glass.
Check out the full video below: