SpaceX Details Starlink Speed Expectations in Canada

SpaceX currently still has a Starlink hardware offer for ‘rural’ Canada (we say this loosely as many addresses not considered rural qualify) at just $199 CAD, down from the regular price of $759 CAD.

Starlink costs $140/month for service and recently, SpaceX updated its Canadian version of the website to detail speed expectations for new customers.

“Current customer speeds in Canada range from 70-250 Mbps” says SpaceX, noting they “may be lower during peak hours.”

A quick check of other localized pages for Starlink doesn’t mention this, but only for Canada it seems. Previously, these speed expectations were buried in the service specifications page, but now it’s upfront on the website.

Some Canadian Starlink customers noted the speeds they’re getting in southern Ontario are in line with what SpaceX noted, but it really depends on location it seems, as others said they’re getting speeds higher than advertised. As more Starlink satellites are sent to orbit to add to constellations, speeds and capacity will improve.

While the Starlink Canada English page offers the speed disclosure, the French Canadian version of the page does not.