Tesla Model S Plaid Drives Underwater Again to Test ‘Submarine’ Mode [VIDEO]
After driving his Tesla Model S Plaid underwater back in September, YouTube channel Chillin’ with Chet was back at it again with his modified Tesla, to again drive it underwater.
As Chet drives the Model S Plaid underwater the second time around, the vehicle does end up making it from start to finish by itself, despite water pouring into the cabin of the electric vehicle.
“That was frickin’ nuts,” said Chet, after the Model S Plaid completed its “submarine” journey.

The Model S Plaid’s trunk is filled with weights to keep it submerged underwater, while the whole trunk was filled with water after the experiment. The car shows it’s drivable after being fully submerged. “Good as new, baby!”, exclaimed Chet, after pouring rice all over the hood to soak up water (as a joke).
But, eventually, the Model S Plaid won’t go into drive mode. Chet then calls Tesla support to ask for help after his yoke steering wheel won’t stop ‘twitching’ after the experiment is over.
However, the next day, the Model S Plaid ends up working again on its own, to Chet’s surprise.
Check out part one of the Model S Plaid underwater test below…of course, don’t try this at home, right folks?