Tesla Range Boost Software Updates Model S and Model X Range Efficiency
The Tesla Model S and Model X have started to receive improvements to their range efficiency with new Range Boost software updates.
Range Boost software updates show a more accurate reflection of both Model S and Model X range estimates in the user interface. Software update 2020.4.11 brings about the changes amidst some user reports of inaccurate available range estimates in both models.
The hardware didn’t produce the initial range problems that some drivers noted in past firmware. However, as Tesla Inc., CEO and product architect Elon Musk stated in a recent Tweet, the “Software just thinks the car is less efficient than it actually is.”
Software updates to Range Boost and similar features demonstrate Tesla’s ability to cater to the needs of its drivers. Recent Range Boost updates make it much easier for drivers to judge the accuracy of their trips so they can plan for charging. As Musk explained before the update, “All S/X cars made in recent months have actually been above stated EPA range. Will be unlocked soon for free via software update.”
These kinds of positive moves will only lead to greater public adoption of electric vehicles. They also further cement Tesla’s foothold in the market. Providing more accurate range is crucial for drivers with substantial commutes. Better range assists those who are hesitant to take an electric vehicle on a long road trip. The recent Range Boost software updates highlight Tesla’s capability to address and solve problems. The company proves its systematic approach to enhancing vehicles through timely software updates.